Vermicompost as soil supplement to enhance growth, yield and quality of Triticum aestivum L.: a field study

Rakesh Joshi1, Adarsh Pal Vig1, Jaswinder Singh2
1Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, 143001, India
2Deartment of Zoology, Khalsa College, Amritsat, 143001, India

Tóm tắt

Abstract Background

Vermicompost (VC) made from cattle dung as raw material was used as soil supplement in the plots of size 4.5 x 4.5 m. Five treatments were given viz. Soil (control), VC@5 t/ha, VC@10 t/ha, VC@20 t/ha and NPK (recommended by PAU, Ludhiana) in triplicates in a Randomized Block Design (RBD). A total of 50 plants were selected randomly for the assessment of growth and yield of wheat Triticum aestivum L..


Most of the growth, yield and quality parameters were found to be maximum in NPK treatment. All the growth, yield and quality parameters in vermicompost treatments varied significantly from control though differences within various vermicompost treatments were not found to be significant.


It has been observed that there is no significant difference on applying higher doses of vermicompost and lowest dose (5 t/ha) is as effective as higher doses. So, vermicompost application is cost effective.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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