Variations of ankle-foot orthosis-constrained movements increase ankle range of movement while maintaining power output of recumbent cycling

Biomedizinische Technik - Tập 63 Số 6 - Trang 691-697 - 2018
Puteri Nur Farhana Hamdan1, Nur Azah Hamzaid2, Juliana Usman1, Md. Anamul Islam1, Victor S.P. Kean1, Ahmad Khairi Abdul Wahab1, Nazirah Hasnan3, Glen M. Davis1,4
1Faculty of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Faculty of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Phone: +60379674487, Fax: +60379674579
3Faculty of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
4Faculty of Health Sciences, Clinical Exercise and Rehabilitation Unit, Discipline of Exercise and Sports Science, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia

Tóm tắt


Previous research investigated recumbent cycle power output (PO) from the perspective of knee and hip joint biomechanics. However, ankle-foot biomechanics and, in particular, the effect of ankle-foot orthosis (AFO)-constrained movements on cycle PO has not been widely explored. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether AFOs of a fixed position (FP) and in dorsi-plantarflexion (DPF)-, dorsiflexion (DF)- and plantarflexion (PF)-constrained movements might influence PO during voluntary recumbent cycling exercises. Twenty-five healthy individuals participated in this study. All underwent 1-min cycling at a fixed cadence for each of the AFOs. The peak and average PO of each condition were analyzed. The peak and average PO were 27.2±12.0 W (range 6–60) and 17.2±9.0 W (range 2–36), respectively, during voluntary cycling. There were no significant differences in the peak PO generated by the AFOs (p=0.083). There were also no significant differences in the average PO generated using different AFOs (p=0.063). There were no significant differences in the changes of the hip and knee joint angles with different AFOs (p=0.974 and p=1.00, respectively). However, there was a significant difference in the changes of the ankle joint angle (p<0.00). The present study observed that AFO-constrained movements did not have an influence in altering PO during voluntary recumbent cycling in healthy individuals. This finding might serve as a reference for future rehabilitative cycling protocols.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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