Variability of water storage capacity in three lichen species

Biologia - Tập 75 - Trang 899-906 - 2020
Anna Klamerus-Iwan1, Rafał Kozłowski2, Joanna Przybylska2, Wiktor Solarz1, Wojciech Sikora1
1Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Engineering, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Krakow, Poland
2Institute of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland

Tóm tắt

As poikilohydric organisms, lichens are capable of storing significant amounts of atmospheric water. Epiphytes that intercept rainfall change the amount and chemical composition of throughfall water, affecting water balance and microclimate of forest ecosystems. The aim of the study was to investigate the differences in the process of changes/increase in the amount of water in three lichen species: Evernia prunastrii, Hypogymnia tubulosa and Platismatia glauca. In the experiment, conducted under laboratory conditions, samples of thalli were wetted with constant doses of water and weighed in order to determine the amount of water storage capacity from simulated rainfall. The studied lichen species differed in terms of process dynamics and values of water storage capacity, probably due to the morphological structure of thalli. Average water retention was the highest in Platismatia glauca (33.58 %), lower in Evernia prunastrii (19.77 %) and the lowest in Hypogymnia tubulosa (15.38 %). Analyzed taxa with larger water storage capacity are also known to be more sensitive to air pollution.

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