Valorization of Arid Region Abattoir Animal Waste: Determination of Biomethane Potential

Waste and Biomass Valorization - Tập 9 - Trang 2327-2335 - 2018
Juan-Rodrigo Bastidas-Oyanedel1, Akinleye Sowunmi1, Jens Ejbye Schmidt1
1Department of Chemistry, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Tóm tắt

Abattoir waste methanization has historically focused on cattle, swine and poultry wastes. The main objective of the present work is the determination of biomethane potential of organic wastes from arid-region, i.e. animal dung: camel, sheep, goat, cattle; and mixed blood waste. Biomethane potential was determined for the five untreated wastes. In addition the investigated wastes were thermally pretreatment at 120 °C for 30 min and the biomethane potentials of the pretreated wastes were in addition determined. The thermal pretreatment increased the biomethane potential by 30–150%, achieving a maximum of 442 ml CH4/g VS for the thermally pretreated mixed blood waste. The results highlight the potential of using abattoir wastes in arid-regions for biomethane production. Two mathematical models, Gompertz, and modified Gompertz, were used to analyze the experimental data and determine the maximum biomethane production rate. The analysis showed that the modified Gompertz model is more accurate than the Gompertz model giving at biomethane production rate up to 56 ml CH4/g VS/day.

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