Validation of a New Portable Exhaled Nitric Oxide Analyzer, NIOX VERO®: Randomized Studies in Asthma

Pulmonary Therapy - Tập 3 - Trang 207-218 - 2017
Kjell Alving1, Robert Anolik2, Glenn Crater3, Craig F. LaForce4, Kathy Rickard3
1Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
2Allergy and Asthma Specialists, PC, Blue Bell, USA
3Circassia Pharmaceuticals Inc., Morrisville, USA
4North Carolina Clinical Research, Raleigh, USA

Tóm tắt

Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) is a non-invasive marker of airway inflammation, and a new portable analyzer (NIOX VERO®) is now available. Our studies aimed to assess the agreement of measurements between NIOX VERO® and a reference device (NIOX MINO®) and assess the reproducibility of NIOX VERO®. Paired FeNO readings were obtained from 112 subjects from both devices to assess agreement and reproducibility. FeNO readings were obtained from 122 subjects using NIOX VERO® to assess inter-operator repeatability. All subjects had a diagnosis of asthma and were aged ≥7 years. Agreement was shown with 90.8% of subjects within tolerance limits for the first valid FeNO measurement. Mean observed paired difference for the first valid FeNO measurement on each device was −4.6 ppb [95% confidence interval (CI) −5.825 to −3.377; < 0.0001]. Weighted Deming Regression Analysis showed a slope of 0.842 (95% CI 0.757, 0.927) and a y-intercept of −0.472 (95% CI −1.999, 1.055). Paired differences were centered close to 0. Intra-subject repeatability of NIOX VERO® was significantly better than NIOX MINO® (p = 0.0112). Further, inter-operator repeatability was achieved with NIOX VERO® with a mean intra-subject variance of 6.61 ± 17.954 ppb (upper 95% CI 9.41) and an estimated standard deviation of 2.57 (upper 95% CI 3.07). The coefficient of variance was 0.066 ± 0.054 (upper 95% CI 0.074). Our findings show that the portable instrument NIOX VERO® is clinically equivalent to NIOX MINO® when used in an asthma population. The NIOX VERO® analyzer gives reproducible, consistent measurements that are well within the technical specifications of the device, showing no observable pattern of a training effect or operator-order effect on FeNO results. Thus, our findings validate the NIOX VERO®. Aerocrine AB, Solna, Sweden.

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