VOCs in Ambient Air and Community Odour Assessment before and after the Closure of an Animal Rendering Plant

Environmental Processes - Tập 9 - Trang 1-17 - 2022
Eleni Sazakli1, Athina Fidaki1, Michalis Leotsinidis1
1Laboratory of Public Health, Medical School, University of Patras, Patras, Greece

Tóm tắt

Despite its significant positive impact on environmental quality, rendering industry still suffers, on a global basis, from nuisance odour problems that can contribute to public complaints about health problems, social and individual life disruption. This study was carried out in the surroundings of the animal rendering plant in Southwest Greece, after compulsory cessation of operation in May 2020. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were determined in the ambient air in four sampling campaigns and the Odour Activity Values (OAVs) were calculated for odorants. Past and present odour nuisance perceived by residents was assessed through a questionnaire. The results revealed a significant reduction by half in the total concentration of VOCs. Main offensive odorants totally disappeared. The sum of OAVs decreased by 89% in 2020 and 71% in 2021, in relation to the operation period. Residents reported a significant reduction in the frequency, intensity, duration and annoyance of the odour after termination of the rendering activities. Non-specific health symptoms (nausea, respiratory problems, etc.) that participants were experiencing in the past, no longer occurred. Given that the rendering industry follows by default the concept of circular economy, and adds to environmental safety, economy and public health protection, its operation should be kept pursued but under odour abatement strategies. Rendering facilities should be settled at industrial areas and utilize existing modern and environmentally friendly technologies to effectively control odour emissions and eliminate health and social impact.

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