VEPEMB in elderly Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients. Results from an Intergruppo Italiano Linfomi (IIL) study

Annals of Oncology - Tập 15 Số 1 - Trang 123-128 - 2004
Alessandro Levis1, Alessandro Anselmo2, Alberto Ambrosetti3, F Adamo4, M Bertini5, Elena Cavalieri2, Paolo Gavarotti6, Angelo Genua7, Marina Liberati7, Vincenzo Pavone8, Daniela Pietrasanta1, M M Ricetti3, Delia Rota Scalabrini9, Flavia Salvi1, Umberto Vitolo5, Emanuele Angelucci4, Mario Boccadoro6, Eugenio Gallo5, Franco Mandelli2
1Haematology Division of the Ospedale SS Antonio e Biagio, Alessandria
2Haematology Division of the University La Sapienza, Roma
3Haematology Division of the University of Verona
4Haematology Division of the Ospedale Businco, Cagliari
5Haematology Division of the Ospedale S Giovanni Battista, Torino
6Haematology Division of the University of Torino
7Internal Medicine Division of the University of Perugia
8Haematology Division of the University of Bari
9Institute of Research Against Cancer, Candiolo, Italy

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