Using screen capture feedback to improve academic performance

TechTrends - Tập 58 - Trang 51-56 - 2014
David W. Denton1
1Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, USA

Tóm tắt

Feedback is an effective instructional practice for improving achievement. The importance of feedback has been understood by teachers for many years, yet recent research has elevated its status. One characteristic of effective feedback is personalized comments, which assist students in understanding their performance. Most research analyzes the effects of written feedback. Some current studies have examined the effects of alternative delivery methods, such as audio. One new approach for creating and delivering feedback is through screen capture technology. A case study was conducted to examine the effects of this method on the academic performance of 36 undergraduate students in a teacher education course. Results showed that screen capture feedback is effective for guiding corrections on a writing assignment. Students also reported that feedback was useful for knowing what they were doing right or wrong and that they would prefer more feedback of this type.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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