Using Propensity Scores to Help Design Observational Studies: Application to the Tobacco Litigation

Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology - Tập 2 - Trang 169-188 - 2001
Donald B. Rubin1
1Department of Statistics, Harvard University, Cambridge

Tóm tắt

Propensity score methodology can be used to help design observational studies in a way analogous to the way randomized experiments are designed: without seeing any answers involving outcome variables. The typical models used to analyze observational data (e.g., least squares regressions, difference of difference methods) involve outcomes, and so cannot be used for design in this sense. Because the propensity score is a function only of covariates, not outcomes, repeated analyses attempting to balance covariate distributions across treatment groups do not bias estimates of the treatment effect on outcome variables. This theme will the primary focus of this article: how to use the techniques of matching, subclassification and/or weighting to help design observational studies. The article also proposes a new diagnostic table to aid in this endeavor, which is especially useful when there are many covariates under consideration. The conclusion of the initial design phase may be that the treatment and control groups are too far apart to produce reliable effect estimates without heroic modeling assumptions. In such cases, it may be wisest to abandon the intended observational study, and search for a more acceptable data set where such heroic modeling assumptions are not necessary. The ideas and techniques will be illustrated using the initial design of an observational study for use in the tobacco litigation based on the NMES data set.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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