Using Autonomous Teams to Improve Quality of Life of People with Intellectual Disabilities

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Tập 17 - Trang 2387-2403 - 2022
Marie Blížkovská1, Vicente Martínez-Tur2, Luminita Pătras3, Carolina Moliner1, Esther Gracia1, José Ramos2
1Faculty of Psychology, IDOCAL-UVEG. Research Institute of Personnel Psychology, Organizational Development and Quality of Working Life, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
2IDOCAL-UVEG E IVIE, Valencia, Spain
3ESIC Business and Marketing School, Barcelona, Spain

Tóm tắt

This research study tested an intervention, based on autonomous teams and the service co-creation approach, to improve the social inclusion and self-determination (as indicators of quality of life) of people with intellectual disability. Members of the autonomous teams (professionals, people with intellectual disability, and family members) cooperated to plan and carry out a project. A total of 72 autonomous teams participated (experimental condition). Each team designed its action plan to be implemented during eight weeks. Three measurement times were used: before the intervention (T1), four (T2) and eight (T3) weeks after the starting point. Family members (experimental group, N = 117; control group, N = 187) reported on the social inclusion and self-determination of their relative with intellectual disability. Scores in the control group remained stable over time, whereas scores in the experimental group changed significantly. Social inclusion increased (T2), and later stabilized (T3). By contrast, self-determination increased (T2), but this improvement was subsequently reduced (T3).

Tài liệu tham khảo

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