Understanding and Predicting Behavioral Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking
Tóm tắt
Although mobile banking provides cost-saving opportunities as well as convenient banking experience for customers, today's banks still face challenges when deploying the technology because a good number of customers are reluctant to use mobile banking for personal reasons. This article is an empirical investigation of the determinants of the intention to use mobile banking services. The determinants are grouped into two categories including personal factors and social influence factors. The authors conducted an empirical analysis using 751 survey responses collected from present users of mobile banking services. The results of the analysis reveal that all the personal factors have positive relationships with the intention to use mobile banking services. On the other hand, it was found that of the social influence factors, perceived herding behavior has a significantly positive relationship with the intention to use mobile banking services, whereas subjective norm is not significantly related to the intention. The authors provide practical as well as academic implications of the research findings.
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