Understanding HIV risks of chronic drug-using men who have sex with men

Fen Rhodes1, Sherry Deren2, Michele M. Wood1, Michele Shedlin3, Robert G. Carlson4, Elizabeth Lambert5, Lee M. Kochems3, Michael J. Stark6, Rüssel S. Falck4, Linda Wright-Deaguero7, Brian W. Weir6, Linda B. Cottler8, K M Rourke8, Robert T. Trotter9
1a California State University , Long Beach
2b National Development and Research Institutes, Inc.
3c Sociomedical Resource Associates, Inc.
4d Wright State University
5e National Institute on Drug Abuse
6f Multnomah County Health Department, Oregon Health Division
7g Centers for Disease, Control and Prevention
8h Washington University , St Louis
9i Northern Arizona University , USA

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