Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies of nucleolus-like bodies in neurons of rat sympathetic ganglia
Tóm tắt
Intracytoplasmic fibrillar inclusions, generally referred to as nucleolus-like bodies (NLBs) were studied by means of ultrastructural cytochemistry. The structure of these bodies was visualized by several different staining procedures: conventional electron microscopy and preferential staining methods for localization of various proteins including ribonucleoproteins, basic proteins, glycoproteins and phosphorylated proteins. The results of the cytochemical tests indicate that NLBs have an essentially proteinaceous nature. They consist of ribonucleoproteins, basic proteins and glycoproteins but do not contain phosphorylated proteins. These findings suggest that NLBs are, at least partially, of the same nature as nucleoli and coiled bodies. The origin of NLBs and their possible functional role is briefly discussed.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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