Two-hop time synchronization protocol for sensor networks
Tóm tắt
One of the critical middleware services for sensor networks is the time synchronization, which provides supports to different applications. Synchronization protocols used for Internet and LANs are not appropriate in the sensor networks for the high-density and limited energy resource. This paper describes two-hop time synchronization (TTS) that aims at reducing the synchronization overhead and providing more accurate network-wide synchronization. The synchronization message exchanges are minimized by making full use of sensors’ broadcast domain and enlarging the common node synchronization range in multi-hop scenarios. By halving synchronization hops, the TTS achieves high multi-hop synchronization precision. The proposed protocol contains single-hop synchronization model, multi-hop synchronization algorithm, and a power control scheme. We prove that the extension of single-hop TTS to network-wide synchronization is NP-complete. The complexity and convergence time of multi-hop TTS are analyzed in detail. We simulate TTS on MATLAB and show that it requires minimal overhead and convergence time compared with other protocols. We also implement TTS on common sensors and its multi-hop synchronization error is less than that of receiver-receiver synchronization (R-RS).
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