Turning asynchronicity into an opportunity: asynchronous communication for shared understanding with vision videos

Lukas Nagel1, Oliver Karras2, Seyed Mahdi Amiri1, Kurt Schneider1
1Software Engineering Group, Leibniz University Hannover, Welfengarten 1, 30167, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany
2TIB - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology, Welfengarten 1B, 30167, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany

Tóm tắt

AbstractThe success of software projects depends on developing a system that satisfies the stakeholders’ wishes and needs according to their mental models of the intended system. However, stakeholders may have misaligned mental models of the same system, resulting in conflicting requirements. For this reason, a shared understanding of the project vision is essential for the success of software projects. While it is already challenging to achieve shared understanding in synchronous contexts, such as meetings, it is even more challenging when only asynchronous contexts, like messaging services, are possible. When multiple stakeholders are involved from different locations and time zones, primarily asynchronous communication occurs. The use of asynchronous communication tools for the development of a shared understanding has hardly been analyzed. In this paper, we look to turn the potential detriment of having to discuss a project vision asynchronously into an opportunity for stakeholders to achieve a shared understanding. For this purpose, we give an overview of common challenges of asynchronous communication. We also propose five concepts designed to minimize the impact of these challenges. We examine categories of asynchronous communication tools and assess their adaptability to our concepts. In a workshop, we chose three most suited representatives to include in our main experiment. In this experiment, we evaluate the adapted representatives and a prototype of our own with 30 participants. Our results show the suitability of our concepts. Participants using our concepts were able to achieve a higher level of shared understanding.

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