Turbulent heat transfer in the thermal entrance region of a pipe with uniform heat flux

E. M. Sparrow1, T. M. Hallman1, Robert Siegel1
1NACA Lewis Laboratory

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Jakob, M., Heat Transfer, John Wiley and Sons, New York 1949, Vol. I, p. 451–461.

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Berry, V. J., Appl. Sci. Res.A4 (1953) 61.

Sleicher, C. A. and M. Tribus, Heat transfer in a pipe with turbulent flow and arbitrary wall temperature distribution. 1956 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute Preprints, Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, pp. 59–78.

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Wolf, H. and J. Lehman, Project Squid Research, Jet Propulsion Center, Purdue Univ. private communication.

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