Tryptophan-enriched cereal intake improves nocturnal sleep, melatonin, serotonin, and total antioxidant capacity levels and mood in elderly humans

Rafael Bravo1, Sergio Matito2, Javier Cubero Juánez1, Sergio D. Paredes3, Lourdes Franco1, Montserrat Rivero4, Ana B. Rodríguez1, C. Barriga1
1Department of Physiology “Neuroimmunophysiology and Chrononutrition Research Group”, Faculty of Science, University of Extremadura (UEx), Badajoz, Spain
2Health Services of Extremadura (SES), Badajoz, Spain
3Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain
4Scientific Division, ORDESA S.L. Laboratories, Barcelona, Spain

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