Traumatic brain injury: integrated approaches to improve prevention, clinical care, and research

The Lancet Neurology - Tập 16 Số 12 - Trang 987-1048 - 2017
Andrew I.R. Maas, David Menon, P. David Adelson, Nada Anđelić, M. J. Bell, Antonio Belli, Peter Bragge, Alexandra Bražinová, András Büki, Randall M. Chesnut, Giuseppe Citerio, Mark Coburn, Alicia T. Crowder, Endre Czeiter, Marek Czosnyka, Ramon Diaz‐Arrastia, Jens P. Dreier, Ann‐Christine Duhaime, Ari Ercole1,2, Thomas A. van Essen, Valery L. Feigin, Guoyi Gao, Joseph T. Giacino, Laura E. Gonzalez‐Lara, Russell L. Gruen, Deepak Gupta1,2, Jed A. Hartings, Emmanuel A. Stamatakis, Jiyao Jiang, Naomi Ketharanathan, Erwin J. O. Kompanje, Linda Lanyon, Steven Laureys, Fiona Lecky, Harvey S. Levin, Hester F. Lingsma, Marc Maegele, Marek Majdán, Geoffrey T. Manley, Jill A. Marsteller, Luciana Mascia, Charles McFadyen, Stefania Mondello, Virginia Newcombe, Aarno Palotie, Paul M. Parizel, Wilco C. Peul, James Piercy, Mathieu van der Jagt, Louis Puybasset, Todd E. Rasmussen, Rolf Rossaint, Peter Vajkoczy, Jeannette A. E. Söderberg, Simon Stanworth, Murray B. Stein, Nicole von Steinbüchel, William Stewart, Ewout W. Steyerberg, Nino Stocchetti, Anneliese Synnot, Braden Te Ao, Olli Tenovuo, Alice Theadom, Dick Tibboel, Walter Videtta, Kevin Wang, W. Huw Williams, Lindsay Wilson, Kristine Yaffe, Hadie Adams, Vanni Agnoletti, Judith Allanson, Krisztina Amrein, Norberto Andaluz, Audny Anke, Anna Franca Cavaliere, Arjan Bastiaan van As, Gérard Audibert, A. Azaševac, Philippe Azouvi, Maria Luisa Azzolini, Camelia Baciu, Rafael Badenes, Karen Barlow, Ronald Bartels, Ursula Bauerfeind, Miriam H. Beauchamp, Darcy Beer, Ronny Beer, Francisco Javier Redondo Calvo, Bo‐Michael Bellander, Rémy Bellier, Habib Benali, Thierry Bénard, Valzerda Beqiri, Luigi Beretta, Françis Bernard, Guido Bertolini, Federico Bilotta, Morten Blaabjerg, Hugo den Boogert, Kathy Boutis, Pierre Bouzat, Brian L. Brooks, Camilla Brorsson, Monika Bullinger, Emma Burns, Emiliana Calappi, Peter Cameron, Elsa Carise, Ana M. Castaño‐León, Francesco Causin, Giorgio Chevallard, Arturo Chieregato, Brian R. Christie, Maryse C. Cnossen, Jonathan Coles, Johnny Collett, Françesco Della Corte, William Craig, Gábor Csató, Ákos Csomós, Nicola Curry, Claire Dahyot‐Fizelier, Helen Dawes, Carol DeMatteo, Bart Depreitere, Deborah Dewey, Jeroen van Dijck, Ðula Đilvesi, Diederik W.J. Dippel, Kemal Dizdarević, Emma Donoghue, Or Duek, Guy‐Loup Dulière, Adelaida Dzeko, George A. Eapen, Carolyn A. Emery, Shane English, Patrick Esser, Erzsébet Ezer, Martin Fabricius, Junfeng Feng, Dean Fergusson, Anthony Figaji, Joanne M. Fleming, Kelly Foks, Gilles Francony, Stephen B. Freedman, Ulderico Freo, Shirin Frisvold, Isabelle Gagnon, Damien Galanaud, Dashiell Gantner, B. Giraud, Ben Glocker, Jagoš Golubović, Wayne A. Gordon, Primož Gradišek, Jocelyn Gravel, Donald Griesdale, Francesca Grossi, Juanita A. Haagsma, Asta K. Håberg, Iain Haitsma, Wim Van Hecke, Raimund Helbok, Eirik Helseth, Caroline van Heugten, Cornelia Hoedemaekers, Stefan Höfer, Lindsay Horton, Jiyuan Hui, Jilske Huijben, Peter J. Hutchinson, Bram Jacobs, Stefan Jankowski, Koen Janssens, Bojan Jelača, Kelly Jones, Konstantinos Kamnitsas, Rafael Kapš, Mladen Karan, Ari Katila, John Myburgh, Véronique De Keyser, Riku Kivisaari, Angelos G. Kolias, Bálint Kolumbán, Ksenija Kolundžija, Daniel Kondziella, Lars‐Owe Koskinen, Noémi Kovács, Andreas H. Kramer, Demetrios J. Kutsogiannis, Theodoros Kyprianou, Alfonso Lagares, François Lamontagne, Roberto Latini, François Lauzier, Isaac Lazar, Christian Ledig, Rolf Lefering, Valérie Legrand, Leon Levi, Roger Lightfoot, Angels Lozano, Stephen Macdonald, Sebastian Major, Alex Manara, Pauline Manhes, Hugues Maréchal, Costanza Martino, Alessandro Masala, Serge Masson, Julia Mattern, Bradford J. McFadyen, Catherine McMahon, Maureen O. Meade, Béla Melegh, Tomas Menovsky, Lynne Moore, Marta Correia, Maria Cristina Morganti-Kossmann, Holger Muehlan, Pratik Mukherjee, Lynnette Murray, Joukje van der Naalt, Ancuța Negru, David K. Menon, Daan Nieboer, Quentin Noirhomme, József Nyirádi, Mauro Oddo, David O. Okonkwo, Annemarie W. Oldenbeuving, Fabrizio Ortolano, Martin H. Osmond, Jean‐François Payen, Vincent Perlbarg, Paolo Persona, Nicolas Pichon, Anna Piippo-Karjalainen, Sébastien Pili‐Floury, Matti Pirinen, Horia Ple, María Poca, Jussi P. Posti, Alain Ptito, Andreea Rădoi, Arminas Ragauskas, Rahul Raj, Ruben Real, Nick Reed, Jonathan R. Rhodes, Claudia S. Robertson, Saulius Ročka, Cecilie Røe, Olav Røise, Gerwin Roks, Jonathan Rosand, Jeffrey V. Rosenfeld, Christina Rosenlund, Guy Rosenthal, Sandra Rossi, Daniel Rueckert, Godard C. W. de Ruiter, Marco Sacchi, Barbara J. Sahakian, Juan Sahuquillo, Oliver Sakowitz, Gerardo Salvato, Andrew I.R. Maas, János Sándor, Grinder Sangha, Nadine Schäfer, Silke Schmidt, Kathryn Schneider, David M. Schnyer, Herbert Schöhl, Guus Schoonman, Rico Frederik Schou, Özcan Sir, Toril Skandsen, Dirk Smeets, Abayomi Sorinola, Ana Stevanovic, Robert D. Stevens, Nina Sundström, Fabio Silvio Taccone, Riikka Takala, Päivi Tanskanen, Mark Taylor, Ralph Telgmann, Nancy Temkin, Guido Teodorani, Matt Thomas, Christos Tolias, Tony Trapani, Alexis F. Turgeon, Alex B. Valadka, Egils Valeinis, Shirley Vallance, Zoltán Vámos, Alessia Vargiolu, Emmanuel Vega, Jan Verheyden, Anne Vik, Rimantas Vilcinis, Carmen L. A. Vleggeert‐Lankamp, Lidia Vogt, Victor Volovici, Daphne Voormolen, Peter Vulekovic, Thijs Vande Vyvere, Julia Van Waesberghe, Lars Wessels, Eno Wildschut, Guy Williams, Maren K. L. Winkler, Stefan Wolf, Gordon Wood, Nektaria Xirouchaki, Alexander Younsi, Menashe Zaaroor, Veronika Zelinkova, Roger Zemek, Fabrizio Zumbo
1Brazinova MD); Department of Neurosurgery,
2MTA-PTE Clinical Neuroscience MR Research Group, Janos Szentagothai Research Centre, University of Pécs, Hungarian Brain Research Program, Pécs, Hungary

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