Transient responses of laminated composite plates
Tóm tắt
This article deals with transient responses in terms of displacement and stresses in composite plates. Eight-node isoparametric elements with five degrees of freedom at each node are used to model the plate. First order shear deformation theory (FSDT) with proper shear correction factor is considered to simulate the strain parameters of the plate. The time history responses of the composite plates with both symmetric and anti-symmetric ply layers against different sinusoidal excitation of different excitation frequencies is computed. The effect of different boundary conditions, ply orientation, plan dimension and plate thickness are studied rigorously. Contour plot for normal stress, inplane shear stress and transverse shear stress is plotted for varying ply orientations and boundary conditions for each ply layer. Comparative studies of various stress contours across different layers in a lamina for similar loading or boundary conditions are also presented. A suggestive guideline for design engineers is also provided in terms of stress contour plot for most suitable ply angle and orientation of a composite plate.
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