Transient Taylor–Dean flow in a composite annulus with porous walls partially filled with porous material
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The sole aim of this article is to examine the relative contribution of suction/injection parameter on Taylor–Dean flow in a composite annular gap partially filled with porous material. In the present setup, the Newtonian fluid flow is induced by the circumferential motion of both cylinders and pressure gradient imposed in the Azimuthal direction. The mathematical model governing the flow is rendered dimensionless using appropriate dimensionless quantities transformed using the Laplace transform technique. Using suitable Ansatz, the equation is reduced to the Bessel differential equations and solved. The solution of converted to the time domain using a well-known numerical scheme known as the Riemann-sum approximation. The variation of the Newtonian fluid for different flow parameters is presented graphically. The solution method is validated by obtaining the steady-state solution and also using the implicit finite different approach (IFD); comparison of the methods is depicted in tabular form (see Tables 1, 2). It is deduced generally that the Newtonian fluid is higher when injection at the outer cylinder except when Da is small also higher interfacial velocity can be achieved by taking positive value of
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