Transfer across CS-US intervals and sensory modalities in classical conditioning of the rabbit

Animal Learning & Behavior - Tập 12 - Trang 122-128 - 1984
E. James Kehoe1, Phoebe E. Holt1
1School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Kensington, Australia

Tóm tắt

Two experiments investigated transfer of the rabbit’s conditioned nictitating membrane response (NMR) from shorter to longer CS-US intervals in conjunction with a change in CS modality, for example, light to tone. In Experiment 1, three experimental groups received initial training with a 400-msec CS-US interval, which produced substantial CR acquisition, and three control groups received initial training with a 2,800-msec CS-US interval, which produced minimal CR acquisition. Subsequently, the experimental and control groups received training with an 800-, 1,800-, or 2,800-msec CS-US trace interval. At the same time, the modality of the CS was changed from tone to light (or vice versa). Experiment 2 contained three groups that received initial exposure to a 400-msec CS-US interval, a 2,800-msec CS-US interval, or just the experimental chambers. Subsequently, all three groups received training with an 800-msec CS-US interval in a different CS modality. The results of both experiments revealed substantial positive transfer across CS modalities from the 400-msec CS-US interval to the 800-msec CS-US interval. There was also significant transfer to the 1,800-msec but not the 2,800-msec CS-US interval. The transfer did not appear immediately on test presentations of the second CS. Rather, the transfer appeared as an enhancement in the rate of CR acquisition after reinforced training with the second CS had commenced. The results are discussed with respect to mechanisms of transfer and facilitation of trace conditioning.

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