Transboundary transport of acid precipitation by cyclones of East Asia to the South of the Russian Far East

Pleiades Publishing Ltd - Tập 33 - Trang 119-124 - 2012
D. E. Mukha1, I. I. Kondrat’ev2, L. I. Mezentseva3
1Pacific Institute of Geography, Far-Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
2Pacific Institute of Geography, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
3Far-Eastern Hydrometeorological Research Institute, Vladivostok, Russia

Tóm tắt

Results from analyzing the cyclone paths over East Asia for the period 1997–2009 and the variability in chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation in Primorskii Krai are discussed. It is shown that southwesterly cyclones over Primorskii Krai became more frequent during the time period under consideration. The increase in the number of cyclones forming in the polluted atmosphere of urbanized areas in North-Eastern Asia led to an increase in acid deposition, which is confirmed by data from the international acid deposition monitoring stations of the international EANET network.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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