Trace Operator on von Koch’s Snowflake

Krystian Kazaniecki1,2, Michał Wojciechowski3
1Institute of Analysis, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria
2Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
3Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Tóm tắt

We study properties of the boundary trace operator on the Sobolev space $$W^1_1(\Omega )$$ . Using the density result by Koskela and Zhang (Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 222(1), 1-14 2016), we define a surjective operator $$Tr: W^1_1(\Omega _K)\rightarrow X(\Omega _K)$$ , where $$\Omega _K$$ is von Koch’s snowflake and $$X(\Omega _K)$$ is a trace space with the quotient norm. Since $$\Omega _K$$ is a uniform domain whose boundary is Ahlfors-regular with an exponent strictly bigger than one, it was shown by L. Malý (2017) that there exists a right inverse to Tr, i.e. a linear operator $$S: X(\Omega _K) \rightarrow W^1_1(\Omega _K)$$ such that $$Tr \circ S= Id_{X(\Omega _K)}$$ . In this paper we provide a different, purely combinatorial proof based on geometrical structure of von Koch’s snowflake. Moreover we identify the isomorphism class of the trace space as $$\ell _1$$ . As an additional consequence of our approach we obtain a simple proof of the Peetre’s theorem (Special Issue 2, 277-282 1979) about non-existence of the right inverse for domain $$\Omega $$ with regular boundary, which explains Banach space geometry cause for this phenomenon.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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