Towards a Definition of Environmental Sustainability Evaluation in Higher Education

Higher Education Policy - Tập 31 - Trang 447-470 - 2018
David Alba-Hidalgo1,2, Javier Benayas del Álamo2, José Gutiérrez-Pérez
1Association for Ecology and Education for Sustainable Cities-Transitando, Madrid, Spain
2Autónoma University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Tóm tắt

Sustainability is increasing their presence at universities, so it is convenient to reflect on the impact and effectiveness that university sustainability actions are having. Several authors have recognized mature experiences about environmental sustainability in the different dimensions of higher education: teaching, research, operations and outreach. Assessment of university sustainability is an emerging field of research of Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education, because of the use by universities of assessment tools to improve the performance of its policies, but also to disseminate their results. This paper will try to define what is meant by ‘assessment of university environmental sustainability’ based on different evaluation approaches found in an integrative meta-analysis of specialized literature on the subject and review of assessment tools. While the most common evaluative approach is the self-assessment, to improve the implementation of policies, other approaches aimed at promoting university activity in sustainability through its participation in rankings or accreditation system increasingly are becoming greater presence. This leads to identifying a particular concern among universities to compete and appear in the university context as ‘sustainable’ without ensuring that their actions are being designed really to improve sustainability, at a university and global context.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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