Toward Scalable Systems for Big Data Analytics: A Technology Tutorial
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Tài liệu tham khảo
rao, 2012, Survey on Improved Scheduling in Hadoop MapReduce in Cloud Environments
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zaharia, 2012, Resilient distributed datasets: A fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory cluster computing, Proc 9th USENIX Conf Netw Syst Des Implement, 2
peng, 2010, Large-scale incremental processing using distributed transactions and notifications, Proc 9th USENIX Conf Oper Syst Des Implement, 1
agrawal, 0, Challenges and opportunities with big data—A community white paper developed by leading researchers across the united states
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2013, Vertica
sandholm, 2010, Dynamic proportional share scheduling in Hadoop, Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 110, 10.1007/978-3-642-16505-4_7
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2013, Storm
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2013, Gray Sort
2013, Pig Mix
2013, Grid Mix
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2013, TPC benchmarks
richardson, 2008, Magic Quadrant for Business Intelligence Platforms
blackett, 2013, Analytics Network-O R Analytics
eschenfelder, 1980, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook, 14
friedman, 2008, Data visualization and infographics
2013, iPlant
foundation, 2013, Core Techniques and Technologies for Advancing Big Data Science and Engineering
economist, 2011
2013, Aster Data
2013, Netezza
2013, Greenplum[EB/OL]
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grobelnik, 2012, Big Data Tutorial
2013, Summingbird
2014, Teradata
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gantz, 2010, The digital universe decade-are you ready, IDC White Paper
layton, 2013, How Amazon Works
2013, DEX
2013, Neo4j
baker, 2011, Megastore: Providing scalable, highly available storage for interactive services, Proc Conf Innov Database Res (CIDR), 223
2013, Hypert
2013, Mongodb
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2013, HBase
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wang, 2012, Semantically-aware data discovery and placement in collaborative computing environments
2013, ATLAS
2013, SDSS
2013, A Comprehensive List of Big Data Statistics
gallagher, 2013, The Big Data Value Chain
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tanenbaum, 2006, Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms
economist, 2011, Drowning in Numbers—Digital Data Will Flood the Planet- and Help us Understand it Better
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noguchi, 2011, Following Digital Breadcrumbs to Big Data Gold
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2013, eBay Study How to Build Trust and Improve the Shopping Experience
noguchi, 2011, The Search for Analysts to Make Sense-of-Big-Data
corbett, 2012, Spanner: Google’s globally-distributed database, Proc 10th Conf Oper Syst Des Implement (OSDI)
kelly, 2013, Taming Big Data
evans, 2010, The explosion of data
2013, What is Big Data?
sevilla, 2012, Big Data Vendors and Technologies the list!
jain, 1999, Biometrics Personal Identification in Networked Society
choudhary, 2012, Crawling rich internet applications: The state of the art, Proc Conf Center Adv Studies Collaborative Res (CASCON), 146
2013, Robots
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2013, Journal of Scientific Instruments
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müller, 2005, Problems Methods and Challenges in Comprehensive Data Cleansing
goutelle, 2005, A survey of transport protocols other than standard TCP
jinno, 2009, Dynamic optical mesh networks: Drivers, challenges and solutions for the future, Proc Eur Conf Optical Communication (ECOC), 1
2009, Cisco Data Center Interconnect Design and Deployment Guide
hoelzle, 2009, The Datacenter as a Computer An Introduction to the Design of Warehouse-Scale Machines
han, 2006, Data Mining Concepts and Techniques
manning, 1999, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing
ritter, 2011, Named entity recognition in tweets: An experimental study, Proc Conf Empirical Methods Nat Lang Process, 1524
maybury, 2004, New Directions in Question Answering
konopnicki, 1995, W3QS: A query system for the world-wide web, Proc Int Conf On Very Large Data Bases, 54
hu, 2011, A survey on visual content-based video indexing and retrieval, IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern C Appl Rev, 41, 797, 10.1109/TSMCC.2011.2109710
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watts, 2004, Six Degrees The Science of a Connected Age
jiang, 2010, Columbia-UCF TRECvid2010 multimedia event detection: Combining multiple modalities, contextual concepts, and temporal matching, Proc Nat Inst Standards Technol (NIST) TRECvid Workshop, 2, 6
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troppens, 2011, Storage Networks Explained Basics and Application of Fibre Channel SAN NAS ISCSI Infiniband and FCoE
guerra, 2011, Cost effective storage using extent based dynamic tiering, Proc 9th USENIX Conf File Stroage Technol (FAST), 273
soundararajan, 2010, Extending SSD lifetimes with disk-based write caches, Proc 8th USENIX Conf File Storage Technol, 8
clark, 2005, Storage Virtualization Technologies for Simplifying Data Storage and Management
2013, Hadoop Distributed File System
beaver, 2010, Finding a needle in Haystack: Facebook’s photo storage, Proc 9th USENIX Conf Oper Syst Des Implement (OSDI), 1
2013, Taobao File System
2013, Kosmosfs
decandia, 2007, Dynamo: Amazon’s highly available key-value store, SIGOPS Oper Syst Rev, 41, 205, 10.1145/1323293.1294281
2013, Fast Distributed File System
2013, Voldemort
2013, Redis
2013, Tokyo Canbinet
2013, Tokyo Tyrant
2013, Memcached
2013, Memcached
2013, Riak
manyika, 2011, Big Data The Next Frontier for Innovation Competition and Productivity, 1
2013, Scala
gantz, 2012, The digital universe in 2020: Big data, bigger digital shadows, and biggest growth in the far east, IDC IView IDC Analyze the Future
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maletic, 2000, Data cleansing: Beyond integrity analysis, Proc Conf Inform Qual, 200
silberschatz, 1997, Database System Con-cepts, 4
salomon, 2004, Data Compression
2013, Cisco visual networking index: Global mobile data traffic forecast update
2013, Applications and Organizations Using Hadoop
white, 2012, Hadoop The Definitive Guide
gantz, 2011, Extracting value from chaos, Proc IDC iView, 1
zikopoulos, 2011, Understanding Big Data Analytics for Enterprise Class Hadoop and Streaming Data
laney, 2001, 3d data management: Controlling data volume, velocity and variety
cooper, 2012, Tackling Big Data
symes, 2004, Digital Video Compression
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