Titanium Alloys Thin Sheet Welding with the Use of Concentrated Solar Energy

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance - Tập 26 - Trang 5760-5768 - 2017
D. I. Pantelis1, M. Kazasidis1, P. N. Karakizis1
1Shipbuilding Technology Laboratory, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Tóm tắt

The present study deals with the welding of titanium alloys thin sheets 1.3 mm thick, with the use of concentrated solar energy. The experimental part of the work took place at a medium size solar furnace at the installation of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, at Odeillo, in Southern France, where similar and dissimilar defect-free welds of titanium Grades 4 and 6 were achieved, in the butt joint configuration. After the determination of the appropriate welding conditions, the optimum welded structures were examined and characterized microstructurally, by means of light optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and microhardness testing. In addition, test pieces extracted from the weldments were tested under uniaxial tensile loading aiming to the estimation of the strength and the ductility of the joint. The analysis of the experimental results and the recorded data led to the basic concluding remarks which demonstrate increased hardness distribution inside the fusion area and severe loss of ductility, but adequate yield and tensile strength of the welds.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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