Tidal stream to mainstream: mechanical testing of composite tidal stream blades to de-risk operational design life
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Tidal energy has seen a surge of interest in recent years with several companies developing technology to harness the power of the world’s oceans where the operational capacity in Europe was over 11 MW in 2020. One such developer is the partnership of SCHOTTEL Hydro (Germany) and Sustainable Marine (UK) who have developed a scalable multi-turbine device equipped with 70 kW turbines and capable of operating in arrays at sites around the world. The technology to harness tidal energy is still at a relatively early stage of development; hence, de-risking of component parts plays a vital role on the road to commercialisation. Despite this, the number of tidal energy blades undergoing test programmes remains small. Two different rotor diameters have been developed for the aforementioned device such that it can be optimised for sites of varying potential. In this paper, a blade from each of the 4.0 m and 6.3 m diameter devices was tested for their responses in natural frequency, static loading and fatigue loading under test standards IEC 62600-3:2020 and DNVGL-ST-0164. Testing saw the survival of a blade in fatigue at a lifetime-equivalent load and the generation of natural frequency, strain and displacement results for both blades. Data generated from the testing as a whole will contribute to the modelling and validation of future tidal blades.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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