Third-order correlation function in systems for the measurement of the characteristics of ultrashort laser-emission pulses
Tóm tắt
We have considered a three-dimensional interference correlator and have analyzed its use to analyze the structure of single ultrashort laser signals. We have described the use of shutters based on linear and quadratic electrooptical effects and on filters with saturable absorption. Relations are presented that make it possible to obtain from the measured intensity distribution for the three indicated shutter types information on the distribution of the amplitudes and phases of the spectral component of the analyzed signal (see expressions (7), (8) or (35), (36) or (47), (48) for the amplitudes and the expressions (11), (12) or (38), (39) or (49), (50) for the phases), and the temporal structure of the signal I(t) is determined from these expressions. Estimates are presented for the possibility of decreasing the role of random, stationary, additive noise [see expression (13), (14), or (40)]. The results give grounds for hoping to use these methods effectively to measure the characteristics of ultrashort single laser-emission signals. In conclusion, the author thanks T. I. Kuznetsova, S. A. Reshetnyak, and V. A. Shcheglov for helpful and productive discussions of the topics in the paper.
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