Thermal degradation of emerging pollutants in municipal solid wastes and agro wastes: effectiveness of catalysts and pretreatment for the conversion of value added products
Tóm tắt
In this study, emerging soil pollutants in the form of municipal solid waste (MSW) and agricultural waste were converted into biofuel via thermal degradation process. Among various waste-to-energy conversion processes, the pyrolysis of biomass is considered the most significant due to its maximum biofuel yield than other conversion techniques. Individual and co-pyrolysis of MSW and sugarcane residue (SR) as well as its treated variant (TSR) were performed in a lab-setup fixed-bed reactor with and without catalyst. The effect of acid pretreatment and catalytic effects on the pyrolysis process was assessed in terms of product yields and characterization. The acidic pretreatment of SR and catalyst in the pyrolysis process alters the process yield and its composition. The maximum oil yield of 50.5 wt% was achieved by catalytic co-pyrolysis of MSW + TSR + HZSM5, whereas the maximum gas yield of 38.1 wt% was achieved by catalytic co-pyrolysis of MSW + SR + HZSM5. This suggests that intrinsic minerals present in the biomass and MSW, particularly alkali and alkaline earth metals, have a catalytic effect on the devolatilization of organic material and the char cracking event. The pretreatment of biomass showed considerable improvement in the properties of the produced pyrolysis oil and char. Compared to the pyrolysis oil and char obtained from MSW + SR, the oil and char obtained from MSW + TSR + HZSM5 showed a small increment in their heating values. Pretreatment and the catalytic co-pyrolysis process influenced the structure of the pyrolysis oils, increasing the production of phenolic compounds and aromatic hydrocarbons. The amount of gas components in pyrolysis gas, such as CH4, CO2, and CO also changed more according to the feedstock used for the process. Overall, the HZSM-5 catalyst and co-pyrolysis of MSW with pretreated SR enhanced the pyrolysis conversion of waste municipal solids and agricultural wastes into energy-rich products.
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