The versatile August Bier (1861–1949), father of spinal anesthesia
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Baldamus M: August Bier—on his centennial. Geschichtsblaetter fuer Waldeck, vol. 53. Kassel: Hof- und Waisenhaus-Buchdruckerei, 1961.
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Waas, 1982, To August Bier (1861–1949) on his 120th birthday, Zeitschr fuer aerztl Fortbildung, 76, 72
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Bier, 1900
Bier, 1899, Experiments in cocainization of the spinal cord, Dtsch Zschr f Chir, 51, 363
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Bier, 1918, The treatment of the so-called surgical tuberculosis in Bier‘s clinics, Bln klin Wochenschr, 55, 730
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Bier, 1929
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