The ultimate arc: Differential displacement, oroclinal bending, and vertical axis rotation in the External Betic‐Rif arc
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The External Betic‐Rif arc, which lies between the converging African and Iberian plates, is one of the tightest orogenic arcs on Earth. It is a thin‐skinned fold and thrust belt formed in Miocene time around the periphery of the Alborán Domain, an older contractional orogen that underwent extensional collapse coevally with the formation of the thrust belt. Restoration of four sections across the thrust belt, together with kinematic and paleomagnetic analysis, allows a reconstruction of the prethrusting geometry of the Alborán Domain, and the identification of the following processes that contributed to the formation of the arc: (1) The Alborán Domain moved some 250 km westward relative to Iberia and Africa during the Miocene. This initiated the two limbs of the arc on its NW and SW margins, closing to the WSW in the region of Cherafat in northern Morocco. The overall convergence direction on the Iberian side of the arc was between 310° and 295°, and on the African side it was between 235° and 215°. The difference in convergence direction between the two sectors was primarily a result of the relative motion between Africa and Iberia. (2) Extensional collapse of the Alborán Domain during the Miocene modified the geometry of the western end of the arc: the Internal Rif rotated anticlockwise to form the present north trending sector of the arc, and additional components of displacement produced by extension were transferred into the external thrust belt along a series of strike‐slip faults and shear zones. These allowed the limbs of the arc to rotate and extend, tightening the arc, and creating variations in the amounts and directions of shortening around the arc. The Betic sector of the arc rotated clockwise by 25° during this process, and the southern Rif rotated anticlockwise by ∼55°. (3) Oblique convergence on the two limbs of the arc, dextral in the Betics and sinistral in the southern Rif, resulted in strongly noncoaxial deformation. This had three related effects: (1) large rotations of individual thrust sheets resulted from the oblique propagation of thrusts away from the thrust front, followed by pinning and rotation as the thrust sheets peeled off, (2) continued oblique convergence resulted in distributed shear, particularly in the rear of the thrust wedge, causing rotation of stacks of thrust sheets on the scale of a few tens of kilometers, and (3) distributed shear in the orogen resulted in the rotation of folds as they amplified, the hinges migrating through the rock body, and rotating at a slower rate than the rock. These rotations were substantially larger than the bulk rotations of the limbs of the arc, and they strongly modified the orientations of folds, thrust traces, and the structural indicators of fault slip directions.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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