The seed bank in an estonian calcareous grassland: Comparison of different successional stages
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Seed bank species-composition and seed-density were determined in a successional calcareous (alvar) grassland in western Estonia. Three similar study areas were chosen to compare two different successional stages: open alvar grassland and overgrown areas with young pine forest 30 to 40 years old. In both successional stages, the centre and the edge of a relatively uniform stand were examined. Fifteen soil samples (7 cm in diameter, 5 cm deep) were taken from each of twelve sampling sites. The seedling emergence method was used to estimate seeds in the soil samples. A total of 69 species were detected in the seed bank, of which 18 did not occur in the vegetation. Eighty-nine taxa were recorded in the vegetation and of these 38 were not detected in the seed bank. Fifty-one species occurred both in the seed bank and in the vegetation. The three most abundant taxa in the seed bank wereCarex tomentosa, Linum catharticum andPlantago media, which together made up 49% of the seedlings recorded. Differences in the species compositions of seed bank samples from grassland and forest sites were negligible, although the species richness per area of the above-ground vegetation was significantly higher in the open grassland. The only species tending to be lost from forest site vegetation but still occurring in the forest soil seed bank wereArenaria serpylifolia, Cerastium fontanum andLinum catharticum. About half of all the emerged species from all samples belonged to the transient or short-term persistent seed bank. In the grassland sites there were more species which belonged to the transient seed bank than in the forest sites, where the seed bank contained more short-term persistent type seeds. The seed density was significantly higher in forest sites and lower in grassland sites, which may be explained by the better germination conditions in well-illuminated communities. On the basis of the current study it might be assumed that the soil seed banks of overgrown alvar grasslands which include young pine forests can play a certain role in grassland restoration management.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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