The role of atomic hydrogen and hydrogen-induced martensites in hydrogen embrittlement of type 304L stainless steel

Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences - Tập 45 - Trang 175-183 - 2002
Chuan Pan1, Chu Wuyan1, Li Zhengbang1, Liang Dongtu1, Su Yanjing2, Qiao Lijie2
1Department of Welding Research Central, Iron and steel Research Institute Beijing, Beijing, China
2Department of Materials Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China

Tóm tắt

The role of atomic hydrogen and hydrogen-induced martensites in hydrogen embrittlement in slow strain rate tensile tests and hydrogen-induced delayed cracking (HIC) in sustained load tests for type 304 L stainless steel was quantitatively studied. The results indicated that hydrogen-induced martensites formed when hydrogen concentration C 0 exceeded 30 ppm, and increased with an increase in C 0, i.e. M(vol%)=62–82.5 exp (−C 0/102). The relative plasticity loss caused by the martensites increased linearly with increasing amount of the martensites, i.e. l δ(M), %=0.45 M (vol %)=27.9−37.1 exp(−C0/102). The plasticity loss caused by atomic hydrogen l δ(H) increased with an increase in C 0 and reached a saturation value l δ(H)max=40% when C 0>100 ppm. l δ(H) decreased with an increase in strain rate $$\dot \varepsilon $$ , i.e. l δ(H), $$\% = - 21.9 - 9.9\dot \varepsilon $$ , and was zero when $$\dot \varepsilon \geqslant \dot \varepsilon _c = 0.032/s$$ . HIC under sustained load was due to atomic hydrogen, and the threshold stress intensity for HIC decreased linearly with in C 0, i.e. K IH (Mpam1/2)=91.7−10.1 In C 0 (ppm). The fracture surface of HIC was dimple if K 1 was high or/and C 0 was low, otherwise it was quasi-cleavage. The boundary line between ductile and brittle fracture surface was K 1-54+25exp(−C 0/153)=0.

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