The prognostic impact of right ventricular-pulmonary arterial coupling in heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Heart Failure Reviews - Trang 1-14 - 2023
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The echocardiographic tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion/pulmonary artery systolic pressure (TAPSE/PASP) ratio is a non-invasive surrogate of right ventricular-pulmonary arterial (RV-PA) coupling which corresponds well with the respective invasively derived index. Recently, a wealth of observational data has arisen, outlining its prognostic value in heart failure (HF) patients. To systematically appraise and quantitatively synthesize the evidence of the prognostic value of TAPSE/PASP ratio in left-sided HF regardless of etiology or left ventricular ejection fraction. A systematic literature review was conducted in electronic databases to identify studies reporting the association of TAPSE/PASP ratio with outcomes in patients with HF and, when appropriate, a random-effects meta-analysis was conducted to quantify the unadjusted and adjusted hazard ratios [(a)HRs] for all-cause death and the composite outcome of all-cause death or HF hospitalization. Eighteen studies were deemed eligible encompassing 8,699 HF patients. The applied cut-off value for RV-PA uncoupling varied substantially from 0.27 to 0.58 mm/mmHg, and in most studies values lower than the applied cutoff conveyed dismal prognosis. Eleven studies reported appropriate data for meta-analysis. TAPSE/PASP reduction by 1 mm/mmHg was independently associated with all-cause death (pooled aHR=1.32 [1.06-1.65]; p=0.01; I2=56%) and the composite outcome (pooled aHR=3.48 [1.67-7.25]; p<0.001; I2=0%). When a TAPSE/PASP cutoff value of 0.36 mm/mmHg was applied it yielded independent association with all-cause death (pooled aHR=2.84 [2.22-3.64]; p<0.001; I2=82%). RV-PA coupling assessed by echocardiographic TAPSE/PASP ratio appears to be an independent outcome predictor for HF patients.
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