The perception of 3-D structure from contradictory optical patterns

Perception & Psychophysics - Tập 57 - Trang 826-834 - 1995
J. Farley Norman1, James T. Todd1
1Department of Psychology, Ohio State University, Columbus

Tóm tắt

Two experiments investigated observers’ perceptions of 3-D structure when optical sources of information were contradictory. When motion and stereoscopic disparities specified different surfaces, the perceptual outcome depended strongly on the direction of curvature present within each modality. Previous research has shown that the perception of surface slant and curvature is anisotropic for both motion and stereo and that it depends on the direction in which it takes place. In the present experiments, the modality with the “effective” direction of curvature tended to dominate or suppress the perception of surfaces in the other modality with less effective curvatures. The results have implications for models which attempt to combine 3-D data from different optical sources.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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