The ‘new firm paradigm’ and the provision of training: The impact of ICT, workplace organization and human capital

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 148 - Trang 557-595 - 2012
Heinz Hollenstein1, Tobias Stucki1
1ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Zurich, Switzerland

Tóm tắt

The paper analyzes the relevance of the three constituent elements of the ‘new firm paradigm’, i.e. ICT, workplace organization and human capital, as determinants of a firm’s provision of training. We concentrate on apprenticeship training, which in German-speaking countries is a widespread practice of skill formation. Econometric studies dealing with a firm’s provision of apprenticeships so far did not pay much attention to the influence of a shift towards the new paradigm. We find that apprenticeship training is an appropriate way of skill formation in advanced economies, but this may not be the case in leading-edge segments of the economy.

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