The meanings of cultural competence in mental health: an exploratory focus group study with patients, clinicians, and administrators

SpringerPlus - Tập 5 - Trang 1-13 - 2016
Neil Krishan Aggarwal1,2, Kryst Cedeño2, Peter Guarnaccia3, Arthur Kleinman4, Roberto Lewis-Fernández5,6
1Columbia University, New York, USA
2New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, USA
3Department of Human Ecology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, USA
4Department of Social Medicine, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
5Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA
6NYS Center of Excellence for Cultural Competence, and Hispanic Treatment Program, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, USA

Tóm tắt

Cultural competence training is mandatory in the United States of America to alleviate minority health disparities though few studies have examined perceptions across stakeholders. We conducted separate focus groups with patients, clinicians, and administrators from the psychiatry department at one community hospital and compared responses to hospital policies. Stakeholders defined cultural competence through group-based or person-centered traits despite policies recommended person-centered approaches. Administrators and clinicians named clinician techniques for psycho-education whereas patients named these techniques for enlistment in treatment planning as equals. All groups named patient cultural views and institutional challenges as barriers to care, but only patients and administrators additionally named clinician biases as possible barriers. We discuss these discrepant perceptions and possible solutions to improve research, practice, and policy on cultural competence in mental health.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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