The laser in digestive endoscopy
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After summarising the main principles of the laser effect and the transmission of light by optical fibres the authors describe the main components of endoscopic photocoagulation equipment using a laser beam. Several teams have performed numerous photocoagulations on animals as well as weveral therapeutic trials on human subjects. The hæmostasis of hæmorrhagic lesions has been satisfactorily obtained both from the point of view of effectiveness and safety. However the best type of laser and optical fibre remain to be determined and more understanding is required of the mechanism of the action of laser rays on living tissue. Other methods of performing hæmostasis by endoscope using different techniques are also envisaged. Laser-photocoagulation seems to offer certain undeniable advantages over these techniques and promises to be the therapeutic method of the future. This is especially so since its field of application can be enlarged to other areas of operative endoscopy.
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