The functional role of burrowing bivalves in freshwater ecosystems
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1. Freshwater systems are losing biodiversity at a rapid rate, yet we know little about the functional role of most of this biodiversity. The ecosystem roles of freshwater burrowing bivalves have been particularly understudied. Here we summarize what is known about the functional role of burrowing bivalves in the orders Unionoida and Veneroida in lakes and streams globally.
2. Bivalves filter phytoplankton, bacteria and particulate organic matter from the water column.
3. Bivalves affect nutrient dynamics in freshwater systems, through excretion as well as biodeposition of faeces and pseudofaeces. Excretion rates are both size and species dependent, are influenced by reproductive stage, and vary greatly with temperature and food availability.
4. Bioturbation of sediments through bivalve movements increases sediment water and oxygen content and releases nutrients from the sediment to the water column. The physical presence of bivalve shells creates habitat for epiphytic and epizoic organisms, and stabilizes sediment and provides refugia for benthic fauna. Biodeposition of faeces and pseudofaeces can alter the composition of benthic communities.
5. There is conflicting evidence concerning the role of resource limitation in structuring bivalve communities. Control by bivalves of primary production is most likely when their biomass is large relative to the water volume and where hydrologic residence time is long. Future studies should consider exactly what bivalves feed upon, whether feeding varies seasonally and with habitat, and whether significant overlap in diet occurs. In particular, we need a clearer picture of the importance of suspension versus deposit feeding and the potential advantages and tradeoffs between these two feeding modes.
6. In North America, native burrowing bivalves (Unionidae) are declining at a catastrophic rate. This significant loss of benthic biomass, coupled with the invasion of an exotic burrowing bivalve (
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