The evolution of sociality in rodents: Is the traditional socioecological approach universal?
Tóm tắt
An analysis of the published and his own data on the social behavior of rodents has allowed the author to conclude that the most social species among rodents are those with a family-group mode of life. The direct effect of ecological factors on the establishment of a complex social organization in rodents remains disputable. Presumably, the driving factor that determines the evolution of sociality in rodents is cooperation, which is promoted by proximate mechanisms of socialization. A complex social organization can be formed under any ecological conditions when families are more competitive than solitary individuals due to cooperation in various types of activities. The proximate mechanisms of socialization, especially early experience of tactile stimulation, create the preconditions for strengthening the pair bonds and elevating the level of parental care in the individuals of both sexes, which is necessary for establishment of extended family groups. The research into these mechanisms is most promising for a deeper insight into the processes associated with the evolution of sociality in rodents, and the relevant results should be integrated into the current socioecological concept.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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