The effects of family-centered empowerment model on depression, anxiety, and stress of the family caregivers of patients with COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial
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Taking care of patients with Covid-19 is regarded as a challenging task for family caregivers. Hence, a Family-Centered Empowerment Model (FCEM) should help them achieve greater psychological strength throughout the home healthcare process. This study is a randomized clinical trial with two groups; besides, pre-test and post-test designs were conducted based on the CONSORT checklist from April to July 2020, in Iran. Seventy family caregivers were randomly assigned to FCEM (n = 35) and control (n = 35) groups. Then, four stages of FCEM in four online sessions were provided to the participants of the intervention group via WhatsApp messenger. The procedure started at the patient's discharge and continued for two weeks. The demographic information questionnaire and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) were employed before and five days after the FCEM sessions to gather the required data. The sample was made up of 55.8% women and 44.2% men caregivers, with a mean age of 42.5 years. The results demonstrated a substantial difference in the average score of stress (p = 0.023), anxiety (p = 0.003), and depression (p = 0.012). The combination of a face-to-face orientation session and online methods of FCEM is likely to lower stress, anxiety, and depression in family caregivers, which can be contributed to the practicability, simplicity, and effectiveness of this home health intervention. This study (no.
) was registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials on 10/04/2020.
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