The dried corncob as a source of DNA for PCR analysis

Plant Molecular Biology Reporter - Tập 20 - Trang 59-65 - 2012
M. C. Schneerman1, J. Mwangi2, B. Hobart3, J. Arbuckle4, D. A. Vaske3, J. C. Register3, D. F. Weber2
1Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana
2Illinois State University, Department of Biological Sciences
3Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Johnston
4Sygenta, Stanton

Tóm tắt

We developed a procedure to isolate DNA from dried corncobs. This DNA was amplified successfully by PCR, producing well-defined bands in response to specific primers. The SSR patterns between cob and leaf DNA of the same inbred line were found to be identical, indicating that the DNA in the cob cells had not degraded during senescence.

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