The diet and growth of O-group flounder, Platichthys flesus (L.), in the River Dee, North Wales

Hydrobiologia - Tập 178 - Trang 193-198 - 1989
N. S. Weatherley1
1Department of Zoology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool

Tóm tắt

Many O-group flounder, Platichthys flesus, live in the lower reaches of rivers in North West Europe; while there is extensive information on the niche that they occupy in estuarine and marine environments, little is known of their life in freshwater. The diet of O-group flounder in the Lower Welsh River Dee was studied by stomach contents analysis of diel and seasonal samples. The dominant prey were chironomid larvae and pupae, tubificid oligochaetes and cyclopoid copepods. There was little quantitative variation in diet temporally, although a weak crepuscular pattern of stomach fullness was shown. There was wide variation in length and weight in all months, but the mean values at age I were 60 mm and 2.9 g respectively.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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