The diabetes quality of life brief clinical inventory in combination with the management strategies in type 1 diabetes mellitus with or without the use of insulin pump

Diabetology International - Tập 12 - Trang 217-228 - 2020
Emmanouil S. Benioudakis1,2, Evangelos D. Georgiou3,4, Eirini D. Barouxi5, Athanasios M. Armagos5,6, Vaia Koutsoumani1, Faidra Anastasiou-Veneti7, Eleni Koutsoumani1, Maria Brokalaki8
1Department of Psychology, University of Crete, Rethimno, Greece
2Psychiatric Clinic, General Hospital of Chania, Chania, Greece
3Statistical Methods in Medicine and Pharmacy, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece
4Department of Psychology, University of Cyprus Centre for Field Studies, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
5Health Psychology, University of Crete, Rethimno, Greece
6Psychiatric Clinic, Naval Hospital of Athens (NNA), Athens, Greece
7Department of Psychology, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece
8Nutrition and Dietetics, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Sitia, Greece

Tóm tắt

The aims of this study are to evaluate any differences in the Quality of life among Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) and Multiple Dose Injection (MDI) insulin delivery, applying the Diabetes Quality of life Brief Clinical Inventory (DQoL-BCI) questionnaire, and assess the diabetes management strategies between the two groups. One hundred and ten adult participants (male/female ratio 1:2.7) with type 1 diabetes were recruited in this online survey. Forty-eight of them were using CSII and the rest 62 (were using) MDI insulin delivery. A 23-item socio-demographic/diabetes management strategies questionnaire and the 15-item DQoL-BCI were administered. CSII users scored statistically, significantly better at the satisfaction treatment subscale (p = 0.032) of the DQoL-BCI and emerged that they were implemented more management strategies such as dietician guidance services (p = 0.002), carbohydrate education seminars (p = 0.03). Predictive factors were also detected regarding the HbA1c < 7% (53 mmol/mol) and β-coefficients in relation to DQoL-BCI questionnaire with the subscales of a negative impact and satisfaction treatment. Diabetes self-management education plays a key role to a better compliance with the treatment. Client-centered multidisciplinary centers in T1DM education are essential so that they be applicable for all T1DM patients irrespective of the type of insulin delivery they used.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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