The development of mice and voles in an oak forest with a surplus of acorns

Josip Margaletić1, Milan Glavaš1, W. Bäumler2
1University in Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry;
2Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Zoologie

Tóm tắt


130 kg of acorns of Common Oak (Quercus robur L.) were distributed on an area of 1.44 ha in an oak forest near Zagreb (Croatia), where acorns were lacking. The influence of this surplus of food on the development of mice and voles was observed from September 1999 till February 2000 on the experimental plot and on an untreated control area before and after offering the acorns. The Redbacked Vole Clethrionomys glareolus was the most abundant and dominant species in both observed areas. After distribution of the acorns, all species of mice, e. g. the Yellownecked Fieldmouse Apodemus flavicollis, the Longtailed Fieldmouse A. sylvaticus, and the Striped Field Mouse A. agrarius, increased up to 4 times in number on the area treated with a surplus of acorns. On the same area, however, all species of voles, e. g. the Redbacked Vole C. glareolus, the Field Vole Microtus agrestis, and the Common Vole M. arvalis, decreased. The numbers of captured and recaptured rodents before and after offering acorns on the treated and the untreated control area were compared by statistical analysis (Chi2‐test). The results show how food can influence the competitive relations between mice and voles.

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