The change of land use/cover and characteristics of landscape pattern in arid areas oasis: An application in Jinghe, Xinjiang

Fei Zhang1,2, Tiyip Tashpolat2,1, Hsiang-te Kung3, Jianli Ding1,4
1Department of Resources and Environment Sciences, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, China
2Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology, Ministry of Education, Urumqi, China
3Department of Earth Sciences, Memphis University, Memphis, USA
4Graduate School, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, China

Tóm tắt

This paper uses 3S technology in macroscopic. Combining the integrated technology of ecological quantity analytical method with GIS technology through ArcGIS and Fragstats, the authors study the images of 1972, 1990, 2001, and 2005 and obtained land use data in Jinghe County. Then, the change of land use/cover and landscape pattern had been analyzed in the Jinghe County of Xinjiang. The conclusions were as follows: (1) The trend of LUCC is that the area of oasis expands slowly in nearly 33 years between 1972 to 2005 in Jinghe County. (2) The water area is mainly influenced by Ebinur Lake, so the area expands a little in this period. (3) The area of salinization-land expands at first and reduces later. The area of sand land decreases and the other land class increases, while the probability of transfer is always high. (4) Landscape change is also obvious throughout the decades. Overall, landscape density increases, the largest path index decreases at first and expends later, the weight area index decreases, and the shape of landscape becomes regulated. The nearest distances, the degrees of reunite, and outspread decreases. It shows that the connection of the main path in 1972 is better than 2005, wherein the patch becomes more complex. From the changes of Shannon’s Diversity Index and Shannon’s Evenness Index, we know that the diversity of landscape and the Interspersion Juxtaposition Index increase. The degree of diversity landscape and fragmentation increase also shows that the land uses become more complex. All in all, it is essential to intensify the spatial relationships among landscape elements and to maintain the continuity of landscape ecological process and pattern in the course of area expansion.

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