The Source Areas of Terrigenous Deposits of the Laoeling–Grodekovo Terrane (Western Primorye): Evidence from Mineralogical and Geochemical Data and the Results of U–Pb Dating of Detrital Zircons
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This paper considers the results of the mineralogical and chemical study of sandstones and U–Pb isotope dating of detrital zircons from the Paleozoic–Early Mesozoic deposits of the Laoeling–Grodekovo terrane in western Primorye. It is shown that the sandstones of different age of the terrane differ markedly in their mineralogical and geochemical parameters and, hence, were derived from different sources. The sandstones of the Kordonka Formation are made up of fragments of basic and intermediate volcanic rocks of the oceanic island arc, as well as igneous and sedimentary rock associations of the oceanic island-arc basement. Eroded stable cratons and uplifted blocks representing crystalline basement inliers that are either flanked by rift zones or occurring along transform faults exerted a strong effect on the accumulation of sandstones of the Reshetnikovka, Barabash and Mangugai formations. The main suppliers of detritus were felsic igneous rocks with minor input from ancient sedimentary rocks. The rift margins and the eroded ensialic arc provided clastic material for the rocks of the Talmi Formation. The U–Pb geochronological studies of detrital zircons made it possible to constrain the age and possible position of igneous complexes that supplied clastic material to the sedimentary basins of the terrane. The sandstones were found to contain detrital zircons with concordant ages from 2553 to 205 Ma, which are dominated by Paleozoic zircons divided into several age groups. The zircons of Precambrian and Triassic ages are far fewer. In general, the revealed age ranges of detrital zircons from sandstones of the Laoeling–Grodekovo terrane agree fairly well with the known stages of granitoid magmatism in the eastern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.
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