The Possibility of Simulating in Wind Tunnels the Parameters of Hypersonic Flow and the Conditions in the Combustor of Hypersonic Scramjet Engine
Tóm tắt
The process of acceleration of air in a Faraday-type MHD channel is analyzed for a thermodynamically nonequilibrium model of gas seeded with an alkaline element such as potassium. It is demonstrated that the use of existing electric-arc gas heaters with P
0= 200 atm and T
0= 4700 K, in the presence of magnetic fields B= 12 T, makes possible an almost exact simulation of the gasdynamic parameters at the inlet to the combustor of a hypersonic scramjet engine (HSJE) in the range of values of the Mach number of the flight from 12 to 20 (direct connect mode). In so doing, the concentration of atomic oxygen O does not exceed 2%, and that of nitrogen monoxide NO, ∼5%. When the gas is expanded in the secondary nozzle to static temperature values corresponding to the conditions of free flight, an exact simulation of the latter is possible at an altitude H= 65 to 70 km (u= 7.5 km/s, M = 20 to 25).
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