The Oxidation Behavior of Oxide-Dispersed β-NiAl: I. Short-Term Performance at 1200°C

B. A. Pint

Tóm tắt

Oxide dispersions were added to β-NiAlalloys using a powder-metallurgy technique. During 20,2-hr cycles at 1200°C, scale adhesion of theexternal alpha Al3O2 was improvedby the addition of Y2O3 and ZrO2. Relative to an undoped, castNiAl alloy, no improvement was observed forTiO2 and HfO2 additions andnegative effects were observed forAl2O3 andLa2O3 additions. The variouscation additions also had differing effects on the scale morphologyand isothermal growth rates at 1200°C. The effect ofthe dopants added as oxide dispersions was compared tosimilar alloy additions of the dopants to β-NiAl.

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