The Migrant–Nonmigrant Differentials in Prenatal Care Utilization: Evidence from Indonesia
Tóm tắt
Using the 2000 wave of Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS3), this study attempts to further complement studies that seek to analyze the relationship between migration and prenatal care utilization in Indonesia. The major conclusion from the multilevel logistic regression suggests that migrants are less likely than non-migrants to seek prenatal care in a public or private hospital but are more likely than non-migrants to initiate prenatal care in their first trimester and to receive four or more prenatal visits. Several measures of child, woman, household and community characteristics are also significant predictors of the location, timing and frequency of prenatal care. It is evident that the design of effective and efficient policies requires a more comprehensive knowledge of the determinants of migration and maternal healthcare services utilization. The assessment of whether the extent of the location, timing and frequency of prenatal care differs between migrants and non-migrants would have important policy implications for both individuals and society at large.
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